What's happening in 2024 with Y7s and Y8s
We will aim to have three grades: Year 7, Year7/8 Open, and Year 8
Any Year 8s under 50kgs can apply to be dispensated to play in Y7 grade
Should a club not have the numbers to assemble separate Year 7 and/or Year 8 teams, they can form a combined Year 7/8 team. This combined year team will have no weight restriction.
NB Y8 boys U55kg can play in college teams.
The Y7-8 grades will be divided into pools based on ability to ensure fun, ‘competitive’ games and to reduce the risk of score blow outs and disparity in teams.
Teams will be graded on a variety of factors, including how they perform on Carnival Day, recommendations by their Coaches/Clubs, and what sort of team they are (i.e., Year 7, Year 7/8, or Year 8).
If you have questions or doubts, the committee's guidance is for you to register your child. This will allow us to ensure we can field enough players for a Y7 team.
Any questions please contact the committee.